Sunday, June 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Alvina Ho Siang Hung


At Pork Dickson's pasar malam...

Celebrate Gwynne's 21st Birthday
2010 at Agricultural Park.

This is the most ugliest photo that we took in year 2005 at school celebrating merdeka day,but its okay right now as I see how far we been through our friendship in 9 years... Cheers!

Happy Birthday my dear friend,and here I wish you all the best for your future and you know how much I do appreciate you and things that you've sacrifice for me,the most important when I really down you are there for me... I can feel the loves from you..haha!!*Blush Life is just like a roller coaster that it goes up and down and you have no idea what is going to happen in the next minute, just remember no matter how shit its going to happen in future , you will face the challenge and walk through the darkness. I will always be there for you when you need me, I'm sure you know its too.. Loves. =D
Here again,I wish you to found someone who care and love you. You deserve it!

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