Saturday, August 21, 2010

Its quite fully occupied now a day.

  • Food
 I miss my baked potatoes with corned beef from F&O . Craving for that , and auntie from Summit who every time I went and visit also get a lot of junk food from her place. Her sour and sweet plum is damn fresh compare other places.

  • Plan
Been doing a lot of survey about study oversea and also reading. I doubt can pass the IELTS test and I am not willing to pay RM550 to repeat the test if I fail. Better get myself fully prepare. : ) I like the idea going out to a new unfamiliar place with my colleague and also spend some time with my precious good friend. Life is just like that, as I think I still consider young, should play and work till the maximum!

  • Daily routine
Work like a mad cow still my weight maintain. =.= But I need a lot of $$ !

  • Time
I should spend more time for my baby who always waiting for me to come home.I'll shower him tomorrow. hehe!!  Hippo. get well soon =)

  • Goal
Be a better person! Do the best as I can!
Go holiday !!

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