Tuesday, May 4, 2010


This few day going trough many of carrying heavy patient *ooh,my back bone
Changing pampers, answer call bell , follow doctors round, update the changes and more and more...
Can't sleep well is one of my reason , over thinking and maybe caffeine that really work hard.
I'm tired, but I can't sleep well
I need a break and I know where I should go to relax myself and explore new thing and environment before everything is to suffocated  for me to breathe and I'm gasping for air.
Day by day ,I look uglier and pale
Maybe is time for me to go for a hair cut or facial or something,maybe shopping its helps.
I believe I can handle my financial,so yeah.
Go Go Fighting!!

When everything is settle , I'll do some update ya. =)


  1. AnonymousMay 05, 2010

    Hey~ Hang in there ya.. You can do it~!


  2. Hey! I know exactly how u feel. I'm becoming like u everyday! Aih.. but never mind we can do something together. =D
